Met-L-Chek FP-923 Penetrant 5 Gal.


Met-L-Chek FP-923 Penetrant 5 Gal.

Availability: 5 in stock

FP-923 is used for the detection of fine cracks, porosity, and through leaks on metals, composites, synthetic materials, and some plastics. The materials used are low in sulfur and halogens, VOC free, and safe for use on all metal surfaces. It is bright yellow, smooth washing and non-gel forming, allowing a clean wash cleanly from rough surface. It is applied by immersion, spray, or wipe on and is approved for high sensitivity aerospace applications.

FP-923 is approved to AMS-2644E as a fluorescent (Type 1); Methods “A”, and “C”; sensitivity level 3 water washable inspection penetrant. For Method “C”applications it is used with E-59, E-59A, R-503, and R-504.

FP-923 is listed on the Qualified Products List for AMS-2644E. It meets the requirements of AMS-2647C, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, ASTM E-165, and ASTM E-1417, and for penetrant inspection materials.

Weight 1 lbs
Manufacturer / Brand


A & C


5 Gal.


Water wash

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